The American opportunity tax credit (AOTC) is a credit for qualified education expenses paid for an eligible student for the first four years of higher education

Are you or a dependent a student who has not completed four years of schooling, and were enrolled in at least one academic semester during the current tax year and maintained at least half-time status in a program leading to a post-secondary degree or other recognized credential?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Name and address(es) of educational institution(s):
Did the student complete the first 4 years of post-secondary education during the current tax year?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Has the student ever been a state or federal criminal because of a drug conviction?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Has the Hope Scholarship Credit or American Opportunity credit been claimed for this student for any 4 tax years during the current tax year?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Provide Form 1098-T as provided by the institution to the student. Note: This form lists qualified expenses such as tuition and fees that were paid during the calendar year.
You must also provide evidence of payments made during the calendar year for qualified expenses. Acceptable forms of evidence are:
A statement from the school showing charges and payments (loan disbursements, payments by credit card or check, etc.)
Individual letters or receipts showing loan disbursements
Receipts for payments with dates during the calendar year
Provide letters or receipts for any qualified school-related expenses not paid directly to the school.
These expenses could be for items such as books, computers, equipment and other education-related items.
Do not list any moneys received from tax-free scholarships or fellowships, federal Pellgrants, tuition grants from an employer, refunds from the school and other non-taxable assistance you receive.
Do not list any expenses you incurred for room, board, transportation or medical insurance.
Note: Only one credit is available per eligible student each tax year. If you have two dependents who are eligible students, you may not claim a different educational tax benefit for one student if you claim the American Opportunity credit for the other student. You have to claim the same credit for both dependents. Also, you can’t claim more than one tax benefit per year for each student.